For those that may have missed the 1st announcement, the DXR is 
now available in a DIGEST version.  For those who are not familiar 
with this....the DIGEST version is a once a day download of the 
previous 24 hours DXR postings.  You get everything in one 
package as opposed to numerous messages.  The one can not should not reply as you'll send the entire 
digest to the list.

Anyway..let me know if you are interested and I will subscribe you 
to the digest.  Let me know if want to unsubscribe from the main 
DXR list at that time as well.  If so, I'll take of that as well

Take care....Gud DX


Steve - KF2TI

Proud member of PETA
People Eating Tasty Animals

Come and see the violence inherent in the system
HELP HELP, I'm being repressed ;-)
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