I am trying to control 2 radios with dx4win (and writelog also but this is an other story). If i have understand ok my setup must be something like this
com1 controls radio1
com2 controls radio2
com 3 does ptt and cw in both radios. i will choose radio 1 or radio2 using lpt port (? is there any other way ?) If i have understand it ok, LPT port's pin 14 changes the focus between radio 1 and 2

I measure voltage between pin14 and pin18 of lpt. I have 4,5 volts.
I made a small interface like this http://www.qsl.net/wy3a/Writelog_CW_AB.htm and i was believing that when i change radios i will get a click on the relay. Unfortunately nothing is happened. I checked voltage and it is steady at 4,5 volts. I think that when i am in radio1 must get x volts in pin14 and when i go to the second radio i 'll get y volts. What is my fault??

73 Kostas sv1dpi

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