Add me to the list of those REALLY wanting a dedicated=20
field for frequency, i.e. "7034" instead of "40M".  Ditto for=20
"Name" and "City/Town".  The goal is to sort by keying
on "Bob" or "Podunkville", etc..  Perhaps a couple of "user
defined" fields would work.  My entries start in the early
'50's,  and therefore QTH data from current databases=20
is of no use.

I'm a new user with 12K+ QSO's recorded on individual file=20
cards and I've only entered 250 or so of them so far.  I'm=20
disappointed at not being able to enter frequency, name and=20
location, and will most likely abandon DX4WIN and set up=20
a database in M/S ACCESS like I started to do initially. =20

I bought the program based on the ability to track counties,=20
never considering that I wouldn't be able to sort other fields=20
as well.  It seems to be a fine program, but (apparently)
won't do what I want to do.  I shudda investigated in more

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

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