It really seems to be no problem - the spot colors are definitely a lot more
infomative than in previous versions. I like the green stuff and you can
always turn it off although I see no reason...

As to SELECTING THINGS IN PREFERENCES to my opinion there are tens of other
small but more important things that might be adjustable/customizeable by
user. It is obvious that the variety and the amount of the users' wishes are
growing at faster pace than the program can develope at this stage so I hope
that the next updates will gradually take my wishes into account as well.

Just to name few I would really like to have (listed by priority):

1. Want to customize Same Call Fields! Please let me add other fields (RSTs,
QSO Notes...)!!

2. Want to customize all the field lengths in Logbook and please repair
Notes bug (described in previous e-mail).

3. Want to select multiple QSOs from Logbook window and/or

4. Want to search by exact time to time or by QSO number to number. If there
are 600 QSOs in a day and I want to perform a Multiple QSOs Operation on the
ones (say 244 of them) I worked before noon the only way to do it ONE BY

5. In 6.01 the SSB reports changed to 3 digits - I am not happy about it. I
have never used 3 and I wish there was a small radio button in preferences
that allowed me to pick either 2 or 3 digits. Better yet the 3rd digit of
the report could be listed under DISABLED FIELDS!! I am in the process of
entering some old logs and now have to push 2 times more Enter for each QSO
I enter.

6. When Changing QSL Routing (e.g. Remove Duplicate QSLs) would like to see
which QSOs were changed!!

7. When importing QSL Managers or Managers' Addresses would like to see
which entries were changed!! Not just Replaced 55 and Added 32. There could
be messages the same way as when merging CTY files!

8.  Please add Multiple QSOs operations: Change Date, Set IOTA (as Set USA
States). I know you can change Date by the number of days but if you're 10
years off it takes quite some calculation:)

9. NEW COUNTRY spots could also be Yellow/Light Yellow - not worked/not
confirmed instead of just one Yellow. Why not green/light green by the same
logic. Who considers it too colorful can always turn it off.

If at least half of those things were inlcuded in the upgrade I would really
feel like having a new version already. Out of the present new things in
6.01/6.02 I only found a few small things that were useful for me personally
(spot colors, IOTA inserted, KG4) and at least one minus - SSB reports.

I hope it is of help!


----- Original Message -----
From: "W0YG Charlie Summers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"'Wendell Wyly W5FL'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] Green on white spots

> But then why aren't we allowed to select which way we want it in the
> preferences?  That would make it quite easy for us to eliminate those
> worrisome spots that we must learn to ignore.  I don't know how tough it
> would be to eliminate them in software but with all the options Paul's
> allows us, it seems that this should also be an option.
> Another option I would like to see is to eliminate or be able to eliminate
> the "Priority" column in the spotting window.  That is meaningless to me.
> 73,
> Charlie, W0YG..>>
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