[Dx4win] How exit from host mode with KAM Plus + WIN XP

2002-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John F. Samuels)
Haven't tried it yet with Windows XP, but it should not matter. Use HyperTerminal (or the old TERMINAL.EXE ca. Windows 95, etc.) to send = the following to the KAM: alt-192 Q alt-192 This should do it. John, K2CIB --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative

[Dx4win] How exit from host mode with KAM Plus + WIN XP

2002-03-23 Thread Shin Jongpil
SSBhbSBhIHVzZXIgb2YgRFg0V0lOLCBXcml0ZWxvZywgS0FNKyAoUk9NIHZlcnNpb24gaXMgOC4y KS4NCk1hbmx5IHJ1bm5pbmcgZHg0d2luIGFuZCBzb21ldGltZXMgV3JpdGVsb2cgZm9yIGNvbnRl c3QuDQpUaGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gaXMgY29tbWFuZCBhYm91dCBleGl0IGZyb20gaG9zdCBtb2RlIG9m