I am having a problem importing my QSL's from LOTW and importing them into 
DX4WIN and setting the "upl cnf" to "Y".
When I do the import and select "import QSO sets upload confirmed flag" I get 
195 uploaded qso's were confirmed" and "75 confirmed QSO's were not found in 
the log".
I have determined that the seconds in the 75 QSO's don't match so DX4WIN 
rejects them.
1. How did the two data bases, LOTW and DX4WIN, get their seconds messed up.
2. How can I find out what the 75 rejected QSO's are without going through each 
file and 
    manually comparing the seconds for a mismatch?
3.  Is there anyone who has written a scrip to go through each QSO in each file 
and make the 
     seconds match? 
4. Am I the only one who is experiencing this dilemma?
5. Is there any way of setting the date in the "upload date" window to the 
current date when I 
    upload my QSO's to LOTW?
I do not see any way of setting the "upl cnf" flag en-mass???
Thanks in advance.
George  W2YJ

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