Using Windows 2000, I am using DTR on the Radio Com Port for CW keying
through an opti-isolator on a FT1000MP.  Is PTT supported by DX4WIN directly
as a command to the radio (OPCODE OFH), support RTS for the PTT, or some
other way other than the LPT port?  The CW keying is working great (except
the focus has to be on the function key window to operate), but have not
been able to get the proper PTT operation working.

It also seems that when DX4WIN uses the DTR line to send CW, it does not use
the RTS line to do PTT.  Also when running PSK31, the PTT must be on a
separate Com port than the radio.

If I am going to have to devote TWO Com Ports to the radio, then I will use
the first for radio control and cw keying from the DTR line and the second
Com port for PTT from the RTS line and FSK keying from the Tx line.  DX4WIN
does not appear to support a second Com port for PTT (or any Com port for
that matter).

PTT, fortunately, works great in WriteLog which handles Com Ports with a
selection matrix which allows you to use any combination of Com ports for CW
keying, Radio Control, and PTT.

Am I missing something or does DX4WIN require 2 com ports to run PSK31 with
radio control and PTT and DX4WIN will not do PTT with cw keying on a Com

I prefer NOT to use the Line Printer (LPT) ports for this, or any other
function, other than printing.

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