Another most strange thing I discovered occurs when Importing a DXQ File
with DX4WIN3, DX4WIN4 or DX4WIN5 filters.

If the QSO time has 59 seconds in it the number or seconds is changed to 58
during importing!!! Can you believe it?

I spent quite a few hours trying to figure out why I get duplicate QSOs in
my log when I export some QSOs and then Import the same QSOs back selecting:

I did this operation because I wanted to set the CONFIRMED label to N for a
group of QSOs and this is not included into Multiple QSOs Operations. So I
had to EXPORT-IMPORT them. So for every 100 QSOs or so I got one identical
duplicate and I did not have the Show Seconds in Time marked in Preferences.
So it was quite a puzzle till I finally got to it.

I checked with other second figures and no problem but 59 is always changed
to 58:))) Can you confirm?


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