Steve, did you merge your preferences (.ini file) from the old version 
to the new version?

It sounds like you have the "Alert Unconfirmed Country" box chedked in 
your Packet1 preferences.

Or in your Personal preferences, Worked and/or Mailed Cutoff is set to a 
  non-zero value.

73 - Jim AD1C

On 1/8/2008 9:26 PM, Steve Jackson wrote:
> I just upgraded and I think I may have messed something (minor) up.
> Far as I can tell, everything works perfectly after I did the upgrade EXCEPT 
> the colors in the spot window.   And the new features are really great!
> For example, if I recall correctly, when I've already worked a DXCC entity on 
> a given band and mode, the spot would indicate a low priority.
> Maybe that's not an accurate recollection... anyway...
> After the upgrade, in some cases, the spot shows yellow and P #1.
> For example, I have Costa Rica TI logged several times over on 40 CW, but it 
> shows this as a P1.
> Anothe case: just yesterday I managed to work TO5FJ and logged it correctly 
> as FJ, on 40SSB.  
> The spot for this shows TWICE, both as a gray P9 and as a yellow P1.
> Yet, in most other instances, the color and priority show what I'd expect, as 
> it did before.
> So, what did I do wrong?

Jim Reisert AD1C/?, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Jan  9 01:58:18 2008
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pete Smith)
Date: Wed Jan  9 02:09:18 2008
Subject: [Dx4win] Re: a clarification I'd like to make
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Steve - OK, fair enough.  It sounds like you're talking about the KY 
family of commands for telling the onboard keyer in later Kenwoods and 
Elecrafts to send a string as CW.  I obviously can't speak for the 
developers of DX4WIN, but I know that N1MM has declined to write this 
capability into N1MM Logger, on the grounds that the KY feature set is much 
less flexible and useful than the command set built into the Winkey family 
of products.

For what it's worth, and 73,

Pete N4ZR

At 12:53 AM 1/9/2008, Steve Jackson wrote:
>Pete N4ZR wrote:
>"when I read someone complaining about how a K2 or K3 isn't adequately 
>supported, I have very little sympathy.   We have, under 
>Files|Databases|Radios, a complete development environment for editing, 
>creating from scratch and testing all the rig files one could want.  If 
>there is something in the radio's command list that isn't now supported, 
>why not add it, and share your contribution with the user community?"
>Pete, I'd like to clarify my post of a few days ago, so that you 
>understand what was being asked for.  The original conversation (at 
>Dayton, between myself and Paul) wasn't part of the message, as 
>posted.  So I can see why one might think what I wrote was a complaint.
>Quite the contrary.
>The specific feature [which certain Kenwoods and Elecrafts have] that I'd 
>like to see enabled in DX4WIN isn't simply a function of a new rig 
>file.  If it was, I'd have done as you suggest above, long ago.
>Instead, it's a wholesale new feature creation, a specific-case 
>enhancement of the CW keyboard application not unlike that added for K1EL 
>'winkey' product support.  This can't be created by the user, via the 
>rig-parameter editing tools.
>I ended up buying a K1EL Winkeyer USB even though my radio *already* has 
>substantially the identical functionality, built-in.  I'd gladly have paid 
>Rapidan Data Systems, say, $30 extra for just this one new feature in 
>DX4WIN to be able to use this functionality.  For me, the opportunity 
>window has now passed, but for other, perhaps new users who own these 
>Kenwoods and Elecrafts, DX4WIN could be just what the doctor ordered.
>Software companies compete on value-added functionality, and this is one 
>great feature that could really draw in the customers for DX4WIN.  As a 
>user, I have a vested interest in keeping this company a viable and 
>healthy business.
>Thanks for taking the time to read this message, which I hope explains 
>that what I was doing wasn't complaining about inadequate 
>support.  Indeed, I'm very pleased with DX4WIN, have been for years, and 
>intend to keep on encouraging others to use this great product.
>73  Steve KZ1X/4
>Be a better friend, newshound, and
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