Hello friends,
Shortwave Radiogram last weekend was scheduled for 2.5 transmitter hours: four 
half-hourbroadcasts, with the fourth on two frequencies, for 2.5 hours. Only 
1.5 of those transmitter hours were actually transmitted, for a transmission 
fulfillment rate of 60%. The first broadcast, Saturday at 1600-1630 UTC on 
9400kHz, was not on the air because of a power failure in Bulgaria. The show 
Monday at 0800-0830 UTC was broadcast on 5850 kHz but not on scheduled 7730 kHz 
because of an error in the WRMI automation system. Klaus in Germany
reported that the signal there on 7730 kHz was S9 when it abruptly went off the 
air at0800 UTC. The signal on 5850 kHz was not so good in Germany.
Let’s hope for better luck for the first broadcast of 2018. Thank you for the 
reports and images from the New Year’s show. Some are posted
in this email. Others can be found at 
https://twitter.com/swradiogram.net.(Speaking of Twitter, my @kaedotcom is 
active again, mostly retweeting news about international broadcasting. Even if 
you don’t have a Twitter account, you can read it at 
Scott in Ontario provides this video of his reception last Sunday at 0800-0830 
UTC on 5850 kHz from WRMI Florida. You can decode from his audio. 
This weekend’s Shortwave Radiogram is mostly in MFSK32. With Iran in the news, 
the first news item will be about smartphones in Iran. This will be followed by 
some text in Persian. You will need the UTF-8 character set (default in Fldigi, 
I think, and the only character set in TIVAR) for the Persian to display 
To check your character set in Fldigi: Configure > UI > Colors & Fonts >Rx/Tx. 
Part of the show will be in Thor Micro, an exotic and very slow mode. It might 
work if reception is difficult.Thor Micro does not have an RSID. I will provide 
thirty seconds for you to change the mode manually: Op Mode > THOR > THOR 
Micro. Sorry, TIVAR and AndFlmsgdo not yet have this mode, but the Thor Micro 
segment occupies only about five minutes of the program.
Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 29,6-7 January 2018, all in 
MFSK32 except where noted:
1:33 Program preview
2:47 Iran protests facilitated by smartphones*
10:55 Example of Persian text**
12:05 Trump's proposed moon mission will take time*
19:55 Thor Micro: Example of the slow mode ThorMicro
25:14 MFSK32: Image* and closing announcements
* with image
** use UTF-8character set
Please sendreception reports to radiog...@verizon.net
And visithttp://swradiogram.net
Facebookgroup: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304

Shortwave Radiogram Program 28 (6-7 January 2018)29
1600-1630 UTC 9400 kHz MFSK32 Space Line, Bulgaria 29
2030-2100 UTC 11580 kHz MFSK32 WRMI Florida 29
2330-2400 UTC 11580 kHz MFSK32 WRMI Florida 29
0800-0830 UTC 7730 kHz 5850 kHz MFSK32 WRMI Florida
The Mighty KBC transmitsto Europe Saturdays at 1500-1600 UTC on 9400 kHz (via 
Bulgaria), with the minute of MFSK at about 1530 UTC (if you are outside of 
Europe, listen via websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ ). And to North America Sundays 
at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 7-9 pm EST) on new 6150 kHz, via Germany. The minute 
of MFSK is at about 0130UTC. Reports to Eric: themighty...@gmail.com . See also
http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/.

Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) For the complete IBC transmission 
schedule visit http://ibcradio.webs.com/ Five minutes of MFSK32 is at the end 
of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave Panorama,”per the schedule below: 
To Europe
2025-2030 UTC 1584 kHz (MW)http://myradiostream.com/radiostudiox
0325-0330 UTC 1584 kHz http://myradiostream.com/radiostudiox
2125-2130 UTC 1584 kHz http://myradiostream.com/radiostudiox 
1155-1200 UTC 6070 kHz To the Americas 
0125-0130 UTC 11580 kHz 
0225-0230 UTC 9955 kHz http://wrmi.listen.creek.fm/stream
0155-0200 UTC 11580 kHz
0055-0100 UTC 7730 kHz 
Thanks for your reception reports!

Kim via KKX
Kim Andrew Elliott, KD9XB
Producer and Presenter
Shortwave Radiogram
(Ottakaa osaa karkeloihin! Näyttäkää, että Suomi on radiomaa!)

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