Branch: refs/heads/bbiiggppiigg/add_multiregister_ast
  Commit: 030cc2d41f4f39121f542a96da6b286e1665b0d6
  Author: wuxx1279 <>
  Date:   2024-04-30 (Tue, 30 Apr 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M dataflowAPI/src/AbslocInterface.C
    M dataflowAPI/src/ExpressionConversionVisitor.C
    M dataflowAPI/src/ExpressionConversionVisitor.h
    M dataflowAPI/src/stackanalysis.C
    M dyninstAPI/src/BPatch_memoryAccessAdapter.C
    M dyninstAPI/src/BPatch_memoryAccessAdapter.h
    M dyninstAPI/src/IAPI_to_AST.C
    M dyninstAPI/src/IAPI_to_AST.h
    M dyninstAPI/src/Relocation/Transformers/Movement-adhoc.C
    M dyninstAPI/src/StackMod/StackAccess.C
    M instructionAPI/CMakeLists.txt
    M instructionAPI/h/Expression.h
    M instructionAPI/h/InstructionAST.h
    A instructionAPI/h/MultiRegister.h
    M instructionAPI/h/Register.h
    M instructionAPI/h/Visitor.h
    M instructionAPI/src/Expression.C
    A instructionAPI/src/MultiRegister.C
    M instructionAPI/src/syscalls.C
    M parseAPI/src/IA_x86.C

  Log Message:
  Add new AST MultiRegisterAST to instructionAPI

This commit introduce a new ast that denotes the use of multiple
registers as a single operand.

For now, the visitor for such a class
is basically visiting the registers contained in it, in order.

The constructor of the Expression class has been restructured to
avoid redundant implementation.

  Commit: f589bae63bcecb54cc5ed70dfd7e282f1e087c40
  Author: wuxx1279 <>
  Date:   2024-04-30 (Tue, 30 Apr 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M instructionAPI/h/ArchSpecificFormatters.h
    M instructionAPI/h/MultiRegister.h
    M instructionAPI/src/ArchSpecificFormatters.C
    M instructionAPI/src/InstructionDecoderImpl.C
    M instructionAPI/src/InstructionDecoderImpl.h
    M instructionAPI/src/MultiRegister.C
    M instructionAPI/src/Operand.C

  Log Message:
  Add new AST MultiRegisterAST to instructionAPI

This commit introduce a new ast that denotes the use of multiple
registers as a single operand.

For now, the visitor for such a class
is basically visiting the registers contained in it, in order.

The constructor of the Expression class has been restructured to
avoid redundant implementation.


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