Hello, David here!

I am soon going to be launching within the next few months a fully
functional Digital Gold Currency Multiplayer Casino with over 10 different
types of Multiplayer games such as:

Draw Poker
Texas Hold'em
Omaha High
Seven Card Stud
Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament
Draw Poker Poker Tournament

I do have a few other games that I am planning to put on there...I am
hoping for atleast 10-12 Multiplayer games at our launch. If you have any
suggestions or Multiplayer/Non-Multiplayer game requests that you think I
should have or you would like on the site, please let me know!

This casino is going to be a Fully Automated casino with Auto deposits and
Auto withdrawals using the e-currency's E-Gold, ebullion, pecunix,
goldmoney, and netpay. We will be adding more as we progress...

I need as much of your input as you can give me. Any suggestions or
comments negative or positive will be welcome.

Please post it here or email me directly!



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