I believe it. As I've said before on the list (and many more times 
off-list!) Australian banks are the biggest bunch of crooked f*cks in 
the country, and that's including the politicans and the lawyers. 
Banks here regularly steal customer's funds (sometimes substantial 
amounts, sometimes minor amounts) then refuse to return them. What 
can the little person do? The fees and charges banks here charge are 
outrageous. Thanks to our gangster-country, where the bloody street-
level criminals get elected to Parliament and take huge bribes to let 
the big-end-of-town criminals do what they like, there is no rule of 

Do you international people understand that? If you come to 
Australia, there is no rule of law. The courts here are a joke. Much 
of the law here is 'Wild West' law which Judge Roy Bean would be 
quite comfortable with. Your assets could be stolen or frozen, your 
private property can be stolen by the government with little or no 
legal pretences. There have been numerous cases (mostly in 
the 'alternative' media) where farmers have been evicted from their 
properties by the police on the strength of non-existent court 
orders. The bankers just tell the police they have a court order, the 
police evict the person and the courts don't want to know about it, 
as there is no order to challenge! Defense lawyers are largely a 
joke, either they are incompetent (such as telling you to plead 
guilty and then use your innocence as grounds for leniency) or 
outright criminal (swindling large sums from their clients as 'bonds' 
or advance fees while doing shockingly poor legal work.)

A top Barrister recently revealed he hasn't lodged a tax return since 
the 1960s. A Victorian County Court judge recently resigned after it 
was revealed he has a string of tax offenses to his name. All of our 
recent ex-Prime Ministers and Premiers have become multi-millionaires 
while in office or shortly thereafter. The press is largely silent 
about the levels of corruption because, being essentially a small 
town, the politicians work for the press barons. Additionally the 
crooked courts will, at the drop of a (rich man's) hat issue press 
restriciton orders and compell secrecy in many of the numerous big 
financial scandals involving politicians.


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