
I will say we are impressed with Cash Cards International.  They 
are signing up new Instant Anywhere accounts (with the ATM card) 
at a rapid rate, and some of our agents (MMs) are also benefiting 
with the exchanges. (I reported earlier the 350 accounts and $1.2 
million inexchange with their first deal).

And their REPs (Real-Time eCommerce Provider), who now number 
over 20,000 and growing, earn big commissions.  On a conference 
call on Sunday, we had top producers from ten countries on the 
call.  Ed Tam Sing, International Marketing Director, reported 
that selling as little as three accounts, could earn $1 million+ 
for a member  (obviously that is not guaranteed, and in no way 
are we saying or implying that you will do that volume).

Better yet, merchants are now interested in joining the 
program.  Cash Cards has 700 merchants who expressed an interest 
in joining, and, many more will be coming on quickly.

Another segment that works for Cash Cards and Standard Reserve is 
the payment of affiliates and/or payrolls for major 
companies.   That is a win-win for everybody - we provide a way 
to pay easily and the employer/affialiator saves time and money.

We are looking forward to some big numbers from Cash Cards 
International, and won't be surprised to see 1 million account 
holders at the rate they are going.  Which is why we gave them an 
exclusive agreement for marketing the SR Instant Anywhere account 
to network marketing groups worldwide.  Check them out at 

Pretty soon, we will have a "World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web."


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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