
Recently we read Andrei's problem of withdrawal from debit card of IntGold.

24 hours before I decided to withdraw IntGold fund via e-gold.
For that, I sent the fund $449.95 worth of IntGold to IntGold Company id:
10000 to credit my e-gold account. The fund was transferred successfully to
IntGold but the computer gave the notice that transfer was failed because my
computer hanged in the process. I am not able to suggest my e-gold account
to IntGold company with their system.

I promptly emailed [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to notify them and complete the

After 1 hour, I received the receipt of my payment to IntGold via email.
Then I forwarded same email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for the reminder.

Till time, I did not receive any response with IntGold.

I know that respected list member like Ragnar and Graham can help me for the
justice if necessary.

Let us wait and see the reality.

With Much Respect,

Yog Yatry
Osho Kala Group
Kathmandu, Nepal

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

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