Lil Abner wasn't something I had available in my childhood 

Moriarty "Look Seagoon, here is a photograph of a pound note!" 

Ned Seagoon "What Wealth!"

Moriarty "Yes, and theres more photographs where that came from!"

I mean, short of locking them in a rubber room, what can be done with 
the HYIP/MLM perpetual victims? I've spoken to quite a few, both via 
the internet and in person, and most don't seem to be noticeably 
mentally retarded (or whatever the politically correct term for it is 
these days). I suspect there is a part of their brain which deals 
with financial matters which is deficient. My solution would be to 
not let them have any money, or alternately run a 'pretend' currency. 
Something like E-gold but where anyone who cared to sign up could get 
1,000,000 points a week, to 'invest' or gamble as they saw fit, with 
some nebulously worded formula that promised them a return on their 
investment at some future date. (Most of those 'earn cash to read 
email' and similar unlikly proposals ultimately come down to this, 
with the only way to see any actual money dependant on their IPO 
reaching a certain level if it happens at all. i mean, I won 1,000 
points at and I couldn't even get the stuffed monkey 
because the link wouldn't work!).

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