Hello Everyone

Hope this finds you well? I am called David Ewaku from
The Life in Africa Foundation in Kampala, Uganda. 
We at The Life in Africa Foundation are an Internet
Development Research Centre. We are biulding an
industrial platform for the world that will enable
local people across the world biuld thier presence

We have currently biult seven websites in a Network
called the 'Lia4 Network'. This is a brief definition
of the Websites
LiA4 Network Structure online

All 7 of the sites in the initial LiA4 network are now
live with the site structure clearly visible to the
public. None of the sites can be fully functional,
however, until the content collection process for
micro-success is further underway. 

http://www.lia4.com - promotes the whole network of
and encourages the use of phonetic 'sms' type spelling
to overcome literacy challenges while communicating

http://www.micro-success.com - the universal personal
webbed sight creates online content about ordinary
african lives

http://www.visions4africa.com - promotes those
micro-success clients who have visions for community
development projects; serves as an interactive harvest
center for the many visions received by people in
Africa in recent years. 

http://www.click4africa.com - promotes African
and teaches how to build spiritual marketing
techniques into a strong online presence. Creates
opportunities for business and idea exchange between
the new African market LiA is creating online and
those who can help them find their way. 

http://www.lia4uganda.com - links Ugandan
sites together in an ecommerce enabled environment
that encourages international direct giving thru
orders placed with local merchants and service
providers for local delivery. 

http://www.internet4change.com - creates an offline to
online industry of people who are trained to create
and implement the full range of LiA's market
development and personal growth tools on behalf of
others who are not yet internet literate. 

http://www.lifeinafrica.com - the precursor to the
network, Lifeinafrica.com will now promote the
cultural content the network creates. 

So we are now forging partnerships through
www.internet4cahnge.com to concerned
people,organisations, companies and groups that have
an interest in developing an online internet platform
with global ideas and standards that will encourage
and benefit local people across the world.

This is also a call to any web designers and
developers who may be interested in some work.

If you are interested in discussing further or see a
way in which this plugs into your vision for the
internet, we would like to discuss further please join
the discusion at

Yours Sincerely
David Ewaku
Chief Operations Officer
The Life in Africa Foundation
Tel: +25677505654


Biulding Africa's new E-conomy through the internet

www.lia4.com  www.lifeinafrica.com 

www.lia4uganda.com  www.micro-success.com 

www.internet4change.com  www.click4africa.com 


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