At 02:29 PM 2/8/2001 -0600, Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange wrote:
>Public Service Announcement from Gaithmans:
>Please be aware of (yet another!) bogus company claiming to process credit
>cards and ACH transactions for your company.  The company is bogus and is
>run by a couple of scammers who used to work in the credit card industry.
>The company is called ACH Finance.  The pair running the company is Charles
>Chambers and his brother, Raymond Chambers. They are knowledgeable of
>industry guidelines, terminology, and protocols.

The message here should be to be wary of unsolicited commercial 
e-mail (UCE) a/k/a SPAM.

Here are two resources that may help list members.  I own 
E-Tailer's Digest which is a  free discussion list that reaches 
2,300 retailers in 49 countries.  We discuss "Everything Retail" 
which includes merchant accounts.  If anybody has an "offer" like 
this, even from a legitimate bank, we would post it to the 
discussion list and some retailer/etailer someplace in the world 
would respond.

A second resource is the Association for International Business 
(AIB) a not-for-profit international discussion list with 12,000 
members in 2000 countries.  Members discuss all types of issues 
related to doing business internationally including merchant 
accounts and fraud.  I am a long-term member (#84) and  member of 
the board  The dues are $18 per year, and they take 
gold!  Standard Reserve is paying for one year's membership plus 
donating money to the AIB for any member who obtains a SR Instant 
Anywhere account from their site.



George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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