>On another matter, there have also been numerous public postings alluding to
>the creation of a copycat eCTA style organization. Personally, I think that
>working within the eCTA, the existing organization, is a much better and
>positive way to go. Creation of another organization would only confirm any
>public feeling about lack of professionalism in the industry, create
>confusion for the public and would simply demonstrate that we cannot agree
>to forge ahead for the betterment of all with a united purpose. having half
>a dozen associations would simply show a Mickey mouse approach. Hardly
>conducive to an industry striving to display a professional and responsible
>face to the financial world


Words spoken by a true politician. Sorry, Mike.

Suppose we were to apply the above concepts to the cambist industry. Do
we need only one cambist because if we don't have just one, all the
customers suddenly become "confused"? Further, why should one even
suggest to speak for a group, especially that group called consumers,
since it is they who decide what they want and not you. Businesses exist
to serve their customers, and not the other way around. Only that breed
of animal (not human) called politicians decide for their customers what
they want. I'm sure I don't need to explain how well that works, here.

I have one more comment about the eCTA. It has become very apparent to
me, and I'm sure others, that the eCTA's only function is political in
nature. GBH will not join any such group that engages in political
squabble and racketeering.


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