On Monday, May 6, 2002, at 01:06 AM, G. Adam Stanislav wrote:

> ...
> OK, I got the data (atomic structure and crystal lattice) for them.
> That was the easy part. The hard part stems from the fact that I
> really do not exactly know what platinum and palladium look like.
> ...

Thanks, Adam. Pd and Pt both look  "silvery" with Pd being a
bit duller, maybe, but not much. Pd looked most like "304" grade
stainless steel to me (I used to weld the stuff) in one bar I saw,
another bar I saw once had concentric circles and an old Soviet
hammer & sickle on it, but both weren't immediately impressive,
unless you knew what they were. I think this is a good job, the
Pt and silver (Ag) should probably be a tiny bit shinier, I guess.

The problem with non-gold metals -- and maybe a reason why
they're less-popular -- is that they pretty-much ALL look silvery,
and it's hard in some cases to distinguish Pt coins from Pd ones
of the same type, unless the mint marked them when striking. I
think your guess is pretty good, thanks!

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