I guess the cat is out of the bag.

> On another matter, there have also been numerous public
> postings alluding to
> the creation of a copycat eCTA style organization. Personally,
> I think that
> working within the eCTA, the existing organization, is a much
> better and
> positive way to go.

Why is that a better and positive way to go?  For whom? Another
way to go is to wait a few weeks and see whether the GDCA
(Global Digital Currency Association) is a better alternative or
not.  If it is not, then, and only then, would going with the
eCTA be "a better and positive way to go."

Further, there is nothing "copycat" about the GDCA.  In fact, I
submit that the eCTA will be doing most of the copying once the
GDCA launches. Mark my words.

> The bottom line is, that we do not need another organization,

The facts contradict that statement.

Further, I may be incorrect, but there is usually nothing wrong
with choice and competition. In fact, competition is, indeed, "a
positive and better way to go." One of anything is usually bad
in a market economy.  Or perhaps you thought the eCTA was going
to gouge the market makers with $250 annual fees forever? ;)


Chairman, GDCAonline.com
editor, Planetgold.com
editor, Libertyimpact.com

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