
Digging Those Digicash Blues
By Declan McCullagh
2:00 a.m. June 14, 2001 PDT

The article is primarily about bearer monies, but in passing it SLAGS 
e-gold (the ultimate e-gold insult -- mentioned with beenz!) and 
somewhat puffs-up (lol) paypal.

My guess -- paypal just pays-off hotwired! :)

>Offbeat schemes like beenz, flooz, e-gold and Idollars are busily minting
>their own virtual currencies, although none has found a wildly profitable
>market niche.
>PayPal, probably the most popular system of the sort, is trying to lure
>Internet shoppers away from credit cards with surprising luck so far: The
>company has raised $225 million in financing and claims to have 8 million
>Since online sales account for a mere 2 percent of all credit card
>transactions, Visa and Mastercard have been slow to respond to PayPal's
>An additional incentive is PayPal's relatively low 2.2 percent transaction
>fee plus 30 cents. Visa, by contrast, charges up to approximately 2.5
>percent in transaction fees. And because of the possibility of fraud, a Visa
>transaction does not complete -- meaning the seller doesn't get paid -- for
>up to 90 days.

"Great ventures create great mottos."

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