
The scripts on e-gold.com are just templates to start with. You have to
replace %SCRIPTNAME% with the name and location of your script -
/cgi-bin/payments.cgi or payments.asp or whatever your son named it.


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----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Tech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 6:43 AM
Subject: [e-gold-tech] Re:spend scripts

> We have just put on the spend feature on the new currencyregistry.com
> Spends can be done for advertising from the advertising rates page.
> However there appears to be a bug in that although the spend is made  (I
> a customer both got thesame result) when you select to continue after the
> spend a page comes up which tell you the spend is not complete and timed
> out.
> Yet the spend did go through as evidenced by the history record and also
> autoresponse robot advising the spend details.
> Any ideas... Is a temporary bug with the e-gold merchant spend feature or
> have we uploaded the codes incorrectly to the site.  (My son - the wizard
> this adssures me he simply uiploaded the code as given from the e-gold
> Kind regards,
> http://www.currencyregistry.com
> "Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which
> disappear and obstacles vanish into air."
> - John Quincy Adams
> Just done another spend and after the confirmation got this: url
> d&status=ok
> The page cannot be found
> The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name
> or is temporarily unavailable.
> 400 request
> The account 'Currency Registry' - #221507
>  has been paid via e-gold shopping cart interface (SCI) :
> Payment Amount: 40.00 USD Gold (Metal ID = 1)
> e-gold batch number: 6486593
> Payer e-gold account #129542
> Ounces (Troy) paid: 0.125471
> US Dollars per Ounce: 318.80
> Payment Hash: 7E20B5044FB3F464B2E443EE7F2557AB
> Payment Receive Fee (ounces): 0.001255
> Timestamp (GMT): 1022067638
> Version 2 Payment Hash: 47B66D6FF0DE54820FE2CCC7DDC45DC2
> (This mail automatically generated).

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Safe web surfing tip: Get in the habit of checking the SSL key/padlock icon in your 
browser and address/location bar *before* submitting sensitive information like your 
e-gold passphrase.

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