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Hello everyone,

I'd like to let you know about a couple of projects I am working
with which may be of interest, especially to those of you from
Australia/New Zealand.

One is a discussion list for Women in Agriculture, called
agwomen-l (ie AGWOMEN-L).  It was initiated after the First
International Women in Agriculture Conference, held in June
1994, but has only just been set up.  Its purpose is to provide
another opportunity for networking amongst women in agriculture.
To subscribe, send a message without a subject line to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  In the body type: subscribe agwomen-l.

The other is LandcareNet, an electronic network for landcare
groups and landcarers around Australia.  This is a series of
conferences (bulletin boards) where landcarers exchange ideas
and experiences about their landcare projects and other landcare
issues.  To join LandcareNet requires a subscription to the
carrier, Pegasus Networks.  There is also a World Wide Web page,
called LandcareWeb, which is freely accessible (URL
http://www.agfor.unimelb.edu.au/LCweb/LCweb.html).  This has
links to various sites with landcare, agriculture and related
information in Australia and overseas.  If you would like to
know more please contact me directly.

Janet Hoare
LandcareNet Facilitator                     ph: +61 3 9344 6458
Dept Agriculture & Resource Management      or  +61 3 9314 1010
The University of Melbourne                fax: +61 3 9344 5570
Parkville  Victoria  3052

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