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   The following is from Econet, a non-profit electronic network
   specializing in environmental information. For more information about
   Econet, send a blank e-mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Written Jun 16, 1995 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the conference biodiversity  

   FROM:    Sheldon Cohen and Lyn Waterhouse, Biodiversity Action
            Network (BIONET)

   DATE:    June 16, 1995

   At the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP2) to
   the Biodiversity Convention (CBD) in November 1995 (Jakarta), a
   major focus will be the CBD's application to coastal and marine
   biodiversity. To contribute to the governmental debate in
   November, the U.S.-based Biodiversity Action Network (BIONET) has
   established a Marine Working Group which has been developing a
   marine and coastal biodiversity campaign. The key elements in this
   program are outlined in the following summary. Our goal in
   circulating this program is to solicit a wide range of input from
   any interested parties, in order to create and carry out a
   stronger campaign. In addition, we hope that some of you will
   collaborate with us in this effort.

   This program is a collaberative effort of some twenty BIONET
   member and partner organizations, including, among others:
   IUCN-US, Greenpeace, Center for Marine Conservation, Center for
   International Environmental Law and World Wildlife Fund-US.
   Outlines of the two main documents (see below) are currently under
   development.  Draft  outlines and full drafts of the documents
   will be posted on this conference and circulated to reviewers
   throughout the world in the coming weeks. We welcome and will take
   into consideration your comments and input throughout the drafting

   We will also be posting a draft programme for the proposed
   preparatory workshop in Paris (as described below). We are
   particularly interested in inviting one or more NGOs from
   developing countries to co-sponsor this workshop and collaborate
   on developing the program and other aspects;  please contact us if
   you have a strong interest in this area or specific suggestions.
   We have raised most of the necessary funding already for the
   campaign. However, we still need to raise some additional funds;
   we would also welcome any suggestions for potential funding

   For more information, please contact:  Sheldon Cohen, Coordinator
   Biodiversity Action Network (BIONET) 424  C  Street NE Washington,
   D.C. 20002   USA Phone: (202) 547.8902    Fax: (202) 544.8483


   A joint campaign by members of the Biodiversity Action Network
   (BIONET) centered around the November 1995 intergovernmental
   meeting of the Parties to the Biodiversity Convention


   Established in 1993, BIONET supports and catalyze efforts by
   nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to strengthen biodiversity
   law and policy. The network is composed of some 100 U.S. NGOs and
   directed by a Steering Committee which includes prominent
   organizations in the international biodiversity field, such as:
   World Resources Institute (WRI), IUCN-US (World Conservation
   Union), Conservation International, Center for International
   Environmental Law, and National Wildlife Federation. BIONET
   focuses on international biodiversity policy and law, and in
   particular, on promoting effective implementati on of the
   Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Toward this end, BIONET
   works closely with many NGOs around the world.

   The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) a response to the
   global biodiversity crisis is the first comprehensive
   international agreement committing governments to protect and
   conserve the Earth s biological resources.The CBD has moved into
   its implementation phase, with annual meetings of the "Conference
   of the Parties" (COP).  At the second meeting of the COP, or COP2
   (November 1995, Jakarta), a major focus will be coastal and marine
   biodiversity, and how the CBD applies to this area.

   This will be an historic opportunity representing the first time
   the world's governments will address comprehensively the global
   loss of marine biodiversity. To take the fullest advantage of this
   opportunity, NGO action is crucial. BIONET has developed an
   ambitious marine and coastal biodiversity program during 1995 to
   catalyze effective action at the COP2 meeting. The effort is being
   lead by a core of BIONET members which include, among others:
   IUCN- US, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Center for Marine
   Conservation (CMC), and Center for International Environmental Law


   BIONET's program includes an integrated set of collaborative
   projects (outlined below) designed primarily to educate and
   mobilize governments. The program's goals are to use the COP2

   -  to inform and educate policy-makers, NGOs and the general
   public on marine and coastal biodiversity in general, and more
   specifically on how the CBD should be applied to the marine
   environment; and

   - to catalyze specific governmental action to (a) address a set of
   priority issues requiring attention at the COP2 meeting, and (b)
   establish an effective long-term intergovernmental process under
   the CBD for addressing the marine and coastal biodiversity

   The written products outlined below should become essential inputs
   into the two major official meetings in 1995 under the CBD: (1)
   the first meeting of the CBD's Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
   Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA1) (September, Paris);
   and (2) the COP2 meeting. In carrying out this program, BIONET
   will be in communication with NGOs throughout the world; U.S. and
   other government officials; intergovernmental organizations
   (IGOs); the CBD Secretariat; the Chairman of the SBSTTA meeting;
   and others. In particular, BIONET will be actively seeking input
   and participation from developing country NGOs.

   Nearly all of the substantive work in the areas outlined below
   will be carried out by BIONET member organizations; the BIONET
   office will coordinate and support the campaign. If funding
   allows, BIONET will undertake other efforts, such as a media
   campaign around the COP2 meeting.

   1.  Policy-makers Handbook. BIONET members will produce a short
   (30 - 40 pp.), user- friendly handbook for policy-makers on marine
   and coastal biodiversity, with a focus on how the CBD applies to
   the marine environment. It should become an essential reference
   and education tool for government policy-makers as they consider
   concrete initiatives to be taken at the COP2 meeting, as well as
   future national and international actions to conserve marine and
   coastal biodiversity. The Handbook will be widely circulated
   before and during the COP2 meeting. If funding allows, Spanish and
   French versions of the Handbook will be produced.

   2.  Issues/Steps Forward Papers. It is imperative that the
   governmental debate at the COP2 meeting focus on the priority
   issues requiring attention. To help focus the debate, and spur the
   governments to move to specific, needed action, BIONET members
   will develop and distribute in advance of the COP2 meeting an
   Issues Paper (appx. 15 pp. in length) to identify and examine a
   set of priority policy issues. The Issues Paper will serve as the
   primary background document for guiding the discussions at one or
   more preparatory workshops that BIONET will organize (see below).
   The final version - a Steps Forward Paper- will take account of
   the workshop discussions and comments from other quarters, and
   recommend in a more prescriptive way specific decisions and
   actions that governments should take at the COP2 meeting. It will
   be circulated to COP2 participants and others in advance, most
   likely in October. If funding is available, Spanish and French
   versions will be produced.

   3.  Preparatory Workshop. To help governments prepare more
   effectively for the COP2 discussions on this topic, BIONET members
   will organize a two-day workshop for governments, NGOs, and IGOs
   to discuss the key issues before governments at the COP2 meeting,
   and to identify concrete initiatives that could be taken.
   Participants will have extensive expertise and experience in the
   marine biodiversity and related fields. The Issues Paper will be
   presented at the workshop and will guide the discussion. A short
   summary of the workshop will be disseminated in advance of the
   Jakarta meeting to COP2 participants. The venue for the workshop
   is yet to be decided, although it will likely be held around the
   SBSTTA meeting in September in Paris, which as many as 100
   governments and many NGOs worldwide will attend. If funding is
   available, a smaller regional Caribbean workshop will be held in
   Santo Domingo in late July or early August. A Caribbean workshop
   would be smaller and could focus on small island states issues and
   others that are more specific to the Caribbean region.

   4.  Activities at COP2 Meeting. The above activities are all
   designed to help shape the debate and influence the outcome of the
   COP2 meeting. To help realize this objective, key members of
   BIONET's Marine Working Group, and the BIONET Coordinator, will
   attend the COP2 meeting to carry out the following activities: (a)
   NGO/government roundtable on marine/coastal biodiversity; (b)
   briefings for individual governments and small groups of
   governments; (c) participation in formal sessions of the COP2
   meeting; (d) circulation of materials; and (e) collaboration with
   other NGOs on strategy, briefings, joint NGO statements, etc.

   5. ON-LINE ELECTRONIC RESOURCES. An electronic conference and a
   Worldwide Web home page will be created on marine and coastal
   biodiversity, with at least an initial focus on information
   directly relevant to the COP2 meeting. These will provide, among
   other things, important vehicles for receiving input on drafts and
   circulating the final versions of the documents outlined above.

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