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Gregory Kelson, Executive Director
Institute for Women and Children's Policy
Chicago, IL

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Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 14:13:15 -0800
Subject: `96 FORUM Call for Presentations

Last Updated: January 23,1996

**************The Seventh International AWID Forum**************** 
**************        September 5-8, 1996         **************** 
**************  Renaissance Washington DC Hotel   **************** 
**************BEYOND BEIJING: FROM WORDS TO ACTION**************** 
**************       CALL FOR PARTICIPATION       **************** 
The theme of the 1996 Association for Women in Development (AWID) 
Forum features progress toward implementation of the Platform for Action 
from the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women.  The AWID 
Forum will focus on gender and development issues that were addressed at 
the UN conference and the NGO Forum in Huairou, and assess progress made 
toward implementation at all levels. 
AWID Forums bring together practitioners, policymakers and academics 
from around the world in a "trialogue," to examine actions and 
strategies that enable women to improve the quality of their lives and 
to achieve equality in society. 
The 1996 Forum brings this tradition to the consideration of progress in 
the one year since 30,000 participants in the NGO Forum gathered in 
Huairou, China and over 3,000 delegates and 2,000 NGO representatives at 
the UN Conference in Beijing deliberated and approved the Platform for 
AWID is involving young women in the planning of the 1996 Forum, 
recognizing the value of an intergenerational approach to implementation 
of the Platform. 
A twenty-person International Program Planning Committee has been formed 
to review applications for presentations, workshops and panel 
discussions.  The Program Committee is seeking proposals from all 
regions of the world to meet the following goals: 
** to provide an opportunity for participants to give status reports on 
progress toward implementation of the Platform for Action and the 
country commitments, and learn of progress world wide; 
** to share information about education and advocacy efforts that have 
been effective, and to learn from failures as well as successful 
** to urge practitioners, policymakers and academics to consider how 
they can be assisted by the perspective and approach of each other and 
to develop cross-discipline strategies when possible; 
** to build skills in advocacy, fundraising, media, use of research data 
and other organization-building techniques; and 
** to strengthen collaborative relationships with other organizations - 
regional as well as sectoral - that share AWID's goals and principles by 
working with Collaborating Partners to plan the agenda of the AWID 1996 
Collaborating Partners are networks, coalitions or advocacy groups from 
different regions of the world and represent different issues and 
diverse approaches.  They have volunteered to offer sessions at the AWID 
Forum, to urge their members and supporters to attend the Forum, and to 
help raise money to bring their participants to the Forum. 
                       PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 
Sixty opportunities for workshops, panels, roundtable discussions and 
learning opportunities will address the spectrum of issues that make up 
the Platform for Action.  Sessions are two or more hours long,  Four 
major plenary sessions will feature key themes from the Beijing 
1.  Women and Human Rights 
2.  Globalization of the Economy 
3.  Powersharing and Political Participation 
4.  Health and Reproductive Rights 
Pre-Forum seminars and sessions are possible for groups that plan to 
bring together their own members, leaders or activities prior to 
participating in the Forum.  AWID will assist with arrangements. 
Skill development workshops will be offered for participants interested 
in improving their effectiveness with message development, media 
relations, advocacy, use of the Internet and practical research data. 
Informal lunch discussions will be organizes around common regional or 
sectoral themes. 
Interested participants will have the opportunity to use their advocacy 
skills with visits to the World Bank, the US Congress and other 
decisions-making bodies. 
Hosted receptions will provide opportunities for cultural events. 
                    GUIDELINES FOR PROPOSALS 
The Program Committee encourages proposals for group presentations that 
incorporate at least one of the following: 
** report progress toward implementation of the Platform for Action 
and/or country commitments made in Beijing; 
** consider effective education and advocacy strategies for 
** facilitate learning across geographic regions related to some issue 
address at the UN Conference (i.e. health, violence, girl child, 
education, human rights, powersharing); or 
** offer skills needed for effective action to implement policy change, 
or reach the general public with educational messages. 
All sessions will consider how practitioners, policymakers and academics 
can be assisted by the perspective and expertise of each other,  
Attention to intergenerational perspectives, experience and concerns 
will receive special consideration. 
Individuals submitting proposals will have their suggestions matched 
with other proposals of a similar nature to construct sessions. 
Sessions will be designed to provide opportunities for shared learning 
about the Platform for Action.  All participants will be encouraged to 
contribute views.  Proposals should describe the facilitated process, 
numbers of facilitators, and should suggest the maximum number of 
participants in the room for the best effect. 
Discussion panels may include up to four presenters (including the 
conveners) and allow at least one half of the session for interaction 
among all participants. 
Paper panels offer up to four presenters the opportunity to summarize 
written papers in the first hour only, followed by facilitated 
discussion.  Presenters wishing to distribute copies of their papers 
must bring an adequate number of copies for distribution during the 
Debates with two presenters plus a moderator challenge and defend 
different approaches to implementation, or priorities for achieving 
gender equality with regard to the Platform for Action. 
Roundtables offer informal opportunities for small groups to consider 
the presenter(s) proposal(s) for Platform implementation strategies or 
for comparing the effectiveness of common strategies in different 
countries.  Presentations should not exceed ten minutes, and discussion 
of proposals should consumer most of 1-2 hour session. 
                      FINANCIAL SUPPORT 
All presenters and conveners will be required to pay conference 
registration fees. Registration fee waivers of honoraria for program 
conveners and presenters are not available.  AWID is committed to 
raising funds in support of overseas participants and participants 
working  at the community level in North America.  AWID will also assist 
Forum participants to raise funds locally.  Those who are eligible for 
financial assistance and whose presentations are selected, will be 
contacted by AWID to determine financial need and potential sources of 
Presenters and workshop organizers are strongly encouraged to begin to 
identify funding through their own resources and contacts.  Joint 
proposals for travel expenses are also possible.  AWID will make every 
attempt to provide assistance to presenters in raising funds to cover 
travel and other expenses to attend the 1996 Forum.  However, AWID can 
make no guarantee that funds will be available. 
                       PROPOSAL SUBMISSION 
Proposals should be submitted by March 1, 1996 on a Presentation 
Proposal Form to: 
Karen Mulhauser 
AWID Forum Program Chair 
1511 K Street NW  Suite 825 
Washington, DC  20005 
Tel: 202-463-0180 
Fax: 202-463-0182 
                          AWID MISSION 
The Association for Women in Development is an international membership 
organization which works to redefine development with women's 
perspectives.  The Association promotes research, policy and practice to 
fully engage women in building a just and sustainable development 
Please include names of only those individuals who will attend the 
Title of Presentation: 
Convener's Name: 
Institution or Organization: 
Street Address: 
City:              State/Province:      Zip/Postal Code:  Country: 
Work Phone:                        Home Phone: 
Fax Number:                        Email Address: 
1.Co-Presenter's Name: 
Institution or Organization: 
Street Address: 
City:              State/Province:      Zip/Postal Code:  Country: 
2. Co-Presenter's Name: 
Institution or Organization: 
Street Address: 
City:              State/Province:      Zip/Postal Code:  Country: 
3. Co-Presenter's Name: 
Institution or Organization: 
Street Address: 
City:              State/Province:      Zip/Postal Code:  Country: 
This proposal is for a: 
____ Workshop (for maximum of _______ people) 
____ Paper Panel 
____ Discussion Panel 
____ Debate 
____ Roundtable 
Preferred language of presentation:  (1st and 2nd choices) 
Please attach a 100-200 word summary of the presentation, a one-page 
Convener vitae, phone, fax and email numbers for the Convener.  Please 
type or clearly print.  All correspondence from AWID will be sent only 
to Conveners, who, in turn, will be expected to correspond with their 
Co-Presenters.  Conveners will be expected to provide a copy of speakers 
notes, written documents, and supporting materials to AWID at the Forum. 
Proposals should be submitted by March 1, 1996 and sent to Karen 
Mulhauser, Program Chair, AWID, 1511 K Street NW  Suite 825, Washington, 
DC  20005  USA.  Tel: 202-463-0180; Fax: 202-463-0182; email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Proposals received after March 1, 1996 will be 
considered as substitute presentations.  Proposals will be reviewed by 
committee and selections will be announced on or about April 1, 1996. 
Title:                      Organization/Institution: 
Street Address: 
City:             State/Province:      Zip/Postal Code:   Country: 
Home Phone:       Work Phone:         Fax Number:       Email: 
AWID Forum Registration rates will increase significantly after April 1.  
The rates listed below, which are only available until April 1, 1996 are 
the same rates as for the 1993 AWID Forum. 
++++++++++++++  AWID Forum Early Registration Fees  ++++++++++++++ 
____ AWID Member Rate  $180.00 
____ Non-Member Rate   $210.00 
____ Student Rate      $125.00 (must send copy of valid id) 
____ Single-Day Rate   $150.00 
Contribution to Bring a Sister to the Forum  ______ 
Total Registration Fee: ____________ 
Many AWID Members must renew their membership in order to continue to 
receive the quarterly newsletter AWIDNews, and the semiannual issues of 
Trialogue.  Renewing or becoming a new member of AWID at this time allow 
you to join before membership fees increase. 
++++++++++++++++++++   AWID Membership Rates  ++++++++++++++++++++ 
____ Professional Individual                               $45.00 
____ Student (with valid id)                               $20.00 
____ Individual from & living in less developed countries  $10.00 
____ Institutional                                         $100.00 
____ Sustaining                                            $500.00 
____ Sponsoring                                            $250.00 
____ Library                                               $75.00 
Total Membership Fee: __________ 
Make checks payable (US Currency ONLY) to AWID. 
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact 
AWID: AWID 1511 K Street NW  Suite 825, Washington, DC  20005; Tel: 202-
628-0440; Fax: 202-628-0442; email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Centre for Resource Management/
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University
Aotearoa New Zealand
Phone:  (64) (03) 325-2811 x8377
Fax:    (64) (03) 325-3841

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