Here are the "events" that fit w/ my previously forwarded message.

                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

     On Tuesday, June 27, conservation activists across the country
will be protesting Congress' "fire sale" giveaway of public lands and
natural resources and the Congressional assault on environmental
law and a healthy environment with a day of education, media
events and a call-in to elected officials.  This is a reminder to:
1.   Participate in local events.  Call WAFC for a list of events
     across the country (202) 939-3324.
2.   Call your Members of Congress at 202/224-3121 and President
     Clinton at 202/456-1111. Urge your Members of Congress to
     oppose all legislation that undermines environmental laws or
     threatens our public lands and a healthy environment.  Thank
     President Clinton for his recent veto of the rescissions bill and
     encourage him not to compromise environmental laws or
     public lands and to veto any more attempts to pass a
     "Logging Without Laws" amendment.  It is rumored that the
     President will not make a decision on the second rescissions
     bill until after June 27.
3.   Contact local media.  Activists and organizations are
     encouraged to issue press releases and contact local reporters,
     television and radio stations to discuss your local concerns in
     the context of the broader attacks on public lands and the
     environment.  Enclosed is the "Reasons for the Day of
     Outrage."   Please use this as part of a local press packet.

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