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The Feminist Majority Online -- http://www.feminist.org

In the two weeks we have been up, the Feminist Majority Online
 has received over 50,000 hits, been named Best Non-Profit
 Women's Site for 1995, added hundreds of entries to our
 Feminist Faculty Network, and received many messages of
 support and encouragement.  Thanks to all who have visited and
 helped to spread the word, as well as provide suggestions for
 further improving the site.

One of the most common requests was that we make it easier for
 interested users to be informed of major additions to this
 large site, such as this week's detailed table of women's
 issues mailing lists. In addition, many users expressed a
 desire to stay informed on key issues.  Thus, the Feminist
 Majority Online would like to announce a new, important
 expansion of our commitment to using the Internet to fight for
 women's equality.  Beginning immediately, we invite you to
 join our Feminist Alert Network.  We have set it up as an
 informational mailing list -- to subscribe, send an email
 message to:


with "subscribe fem-alert" in the message body.
Alternately, you can sign up directly on our site, at
 http://www.feminist.org/action/femalert.html.  While there, be
 sure to take a look at our Field Notes From Beijing, as
 mentioned in today's Washington Post.  Thanks for all your

|The Feminist Majority Online
|New Media Publishing|

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