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Environment and History
special issue:
edited by
Richard Grove and JoAnn McGregor

Volume 1        October 1995    Number 3

        JoAnn McGregor  253
Conservation, Control and Ecological Change:
The Politics and Ecology of Colonial Conservation
in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe
        JoAnn McGregor  257
'Water Used to be Scattered in the Landscape':
Local Understandings of Soil Erosion and Land Use
Planning in Southern Zimbabwe
        K.B. Wilson     281
Local Environmental Conservation Strategies:
Karanga Religion, Politics and Environmental Control
        B.B. Mukamuri   297
Water as a Weapon: The History of Water Supply Development
in Nkayi District, Zimbabwe
        Frances Cleaver 313
Conflicts over Development and Environmental Values:
The International Ivory Trade in Zimbabwe's Historical Context
        Kevin A. Hill   335
'Penetrating' Foreign Lands:
Contestations over African Landscapes. A Case Study
from Eastern Zimbabwe
        Heike Schmidt   351
INDEX TO VOLUME 1               377


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