This is mainly in response to Liz's comment.

I do believe that it is a problem just in the US.  I grew up in Colombia and 
attended a Catholic high school.  My experience as well as that of many of 
my Latin American friends is that although our culture is very influenced by 
religion, schools teach evolution, even Catholic ones.  There was never an 
issue in my high school between the priests and the science professors, and 
there has never been a country wide open debate about which theory 
(creationism or evolution) should be thought in school.  Creationism is 
thought in religion class and evolution is thought in biology class.  
Religion deals with faith and science deals with facts, its as simple as 
that, or at least that is what I was thought in high school.

Bray Beltran.
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
3301 Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building
Auburn University, AL 36849-5418

>From: Elizabeth Harp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Elizabeth Harp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] misinformation portrayed as science
>Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 20:57:26 -0600
>My impression has been that one of the reasons ID/creation folks have been 
>able to make inroads into school systems in the United States is a result 
>of the strong local control of the education system (i.e., local school 
>boards), their ability and dedication in inserting themselves in the local 
>school system power structure, and their eloquence in arguing their ideas 
>(and the lack thereof on the part of many in the science community, but 
>that is another topic!).  Not having experience with education systems 
>outside of the United States, I would be interested in hearing what other 
>people think about this idea.
>Christine Creese (Czerniak) wrote:
>>Speaking from experience as a 'canuck', there are some pretty extreme  
>>christian fundamentalists in Canada, but thus far, creation science  has 
>>not penetrated the school system. Perhaps this is due in part to  the 
>>greater separation of church and state in Canada?
>>Quoting "Olson, Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>The mailings were also received at my school (Univ. of Wisc. Stevens
>>>Point). I can't help but wonder how much money this cost (and where the
>>>funding came from).
>>>Eric Olson
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William Silvert
>>>Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 4:49 PM
>>>Subject: Re: misinformation portrayed as science
>>>I was surprised to see Seitz's name associated with this nonsense, but a
>>>quick check on Wikipedia confirmed that he is one of the way-out
>>>(as well as on whether smoking causes cancer). This is a sad state of
>>>affairs. What gets into these people?
>>>I sometimes wonder whether this is a uniquely American phenomenon. I
>>>ran into creationists and the like in Canada, and certainly not in
>>>There are lots of fanatical Europeans, but they seem to steer clear of
>>>scientific issues.
>>>Bill Silvert
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Ruhland, Christopher T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 9:21 PM
>>>Subject: Re: misinformation portrayed as science
>>>>I (along with every other member of my department) received a mailing
>>>>included this "article " yesterday.  The mailer included a petition
>>>>climate change research.  In addition there was a short letter from
>>>>ederick Seitz (former president of the National Academy of Sciences)
>>>>me to sign this petition.
>Elizabeth Harp
>Program in Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Ecology, and Statistics
>Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
>Department of Biology
>Colorado State University
>Fort Collins, CO 80523

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