The Preston Lab in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the 
University of Wisconsin, Madison is seeking a PhD student to begin in 2019. 
Research in the lab examines links between species interactions, environmental 
change, and ecosystem functioning in freshwaters. We are especially interested 
in the ecology of parasites, predators, and invasive species within streams, 
wetlands, and lakes. See for more 
information. While the specific research topics are flexible, the incoming PhD 
student will have the opportunity to work on projects related to community and 
ecosystem ecology of freshwater streams in the Pacific Northwest. The 
UW-Madison provides an unparalleled location to work with freshwater scientists 
from many units on campus, including Integrative Biology, the Center for 
Limnology, Biological Engineering, Microbiology, and others (see For more information about the graduate 
programs in Forest and Wildlife Ecology see 

Desired qualifications include relevant prior research experience, an ability 
to work collaboratively with a lab group, and interests that combine field and 
laboratory based research. Students with a master’s degree, a demonstrated 
record of publication, strong writing and quantitative skills, and experience 
in stream ecology will be given preference. Students from groups that are 
historically underrepresented in STEM field are especially encouraged to apply. 
The ideal candidate will be able to participate in field research over the 
summer of 2019, with a start date for graduate studies in Madison of fall 2019. 
The position will be funded to include an RA, tuition remission, health 
benefits, and stipend. To express interest in the position please email and include 1) a statement of  research interests and 
experience, 2) a CV or resume, 3) GPA , 4) contact information for references, 
and 5) a writing sample, if possible (e.g., a publication, undergraduate 
thesis, or proposal). 

Dan Preston
Assistant Professor
Forest and Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin, Madison

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