Location: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Tulane University,
New Orleans

Start Date: Summer or Fall, 2011

Project: Applications are invited for a highly motivated Ph.D. student to
conduct an interdisciplinary research project studying the effects of the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill on marine zooplankton or on the larval stages of
fish or crustaceans. Research questions will be developed by the student and
may range from population dynamics to species distribution and diversity
patterns. The project will involve analysis of plankton samples that have
been collected various distances from the spill site over time and
collection of new samples. The student will also work on incorporation of
results from this analysis into a fine-scale hydrodynamics computer model of
larval dispersal of the Gulf of Mexico.  

Qualifications:  A bachelor’s degree in a related field is required. 
Previous experience with zooplankton identification and/or experience with
computer programming preferred, but training for either task can be provided
for an enthusiastic and well-qualified candidate.

Salary and Benefits: Full tuition scholarships and health insurance for
successful applicants are provided. Support of $21,000 to $25,000 per year
is provided by teaching assistantships and research assistantships when

Please submit a Curriculum Vitae, GRE scores, and a cover letter to Dr. Caz
Taylor (c...@tulane.edu) by Dec 15 2010 for consideration.

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