Opportunity for student publishing experience!: 
The EcoHealth Student Section of the International Association of Ecology and 
Health (EcoHealth) has proposed a new section for the EcoHealth journal that 
will focus on a student perspective on EcoHealth. This unique section, 
called Dialogues, will pair a 700-word student commentary on an EcoHealth 
topic, with a relevant 300-word response from an EcoHealth professional. This 
pairing will improve interaction between students and professionals, and give 
students a dedicated place to have their say in the journal. Our hope is that 
with your help in writing some insightful and interesting articles, 
the Dialogues section will be approved as a permanent part of the journal. The 
topics can be on anything, but they should relate in some way to being a 
student doing EcoHealth research work. The deadline for the first round of 
article submissions is January 15, 2012. Please email questions and/or 
submissions to dialog...@ecohealth.net. 

Holly Jessop & Daniel Becker
Student Assistant Editors for EcoHealth Dialogues

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