
I am sorry to hear that some of your manuscripts were plagiarized.  I also 
feel that these instances will only increase in occurrence in the coming 
years, based upon the ease with which scientists, students, etc. can find 
and transfer this information, the extreme bulk of information out there 
and the inability to read all of it, and the move towards non-peer-reviewed 
journals (see Science in the News from just yesterday 
<>).  Recently, 
the engineering department at Ohio University found that a number of 
students had plagiarized a fair amount of text (constituting a full 
investigation, faculty reprimands, and potential revoking of awarded 
degrees, if my memory serves me correctly) and I don't imagine that this is 
the only school where the problem exists.

All the best,


Joseph David Conroy, M.S.
Doctoral Candidate

Department of EEOB
The Ohio State University

Department Address                      Office Address
300 Aronoff Laboratory                  1250A Museum of Biological Diversity
318 W. 12th Avenue                      1315 Kinnear Road
Columbus, Ohio 43210                    Columbus, Ohio 43212

Office: (614) 292-5230
Mobile: (614) 537-2449


"Let the experiment be made." - Benjamin Franklin
"There is something fascinating about science.  One gets such a wholesale
return of conjecture out of a trifling investment of fact." - Mark Twain
"Torture statistics long enough and they will confess to anything." - Gregg 

At 07:46 AM 10/3/2006, Alan Wilson wrote:
>Dear All,
>I recently reviewed a manuscript that plagiarized from at least two
>of my papers.  Based on my findings, the editor quickly rejected the
>manuscript and discouraged the authors from submitting it
>elsewhere.   After sharing the experience with my colleagues, I was
>surprised at the disparity in their reactions.  Some were disgusted
>by the plagiarism (as I was), while others would have been flattered
>if their text had been copied.   Although I am happy to know that the
>manuscript was rejected, I am not totally convinced that the
>punishment (i.e., rejected manuscript) fit the crime given that the
>manuscript may have been rejected anyway - regardless of the plagiarism.
>My questions to the group have to do with how you feel about
>plagiarism and plagiarists.
>(1) Is this a common phenomenon?
>(2) How should plagiarists be handled?
>Thanks for your feedback.
>Alan E. Wilson
>CILER - University of Michigan
>2205 Commonwealth Blvd.
>Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
>office: 734-741-2293; cell: 770-722-9075; fax: 509-356-5349
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