On behalf of Lehigh University (USA), the American Association of University Women, the United Nations Environment Program, the United Nations Academic Impact, RASIT, and other partners, we would like toinviteyou to submit a proposal for the “Students Seeking Solutions” Sustainable Development Goal #6 Conference to be held on *Friday, 20 April 2018 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City**.* The aim of this pioneering, global conference is to give students currently seeking first (bachelor's) university degrees the opportunity to present solutions to a real world problem - in this case, clean water.

 * *Theme:* Solutions for and socioeconomic impact of the clean water

 * *Speakers:* United Nations Assistant Secretary General for
   Environment Programmes Elliott Harris will give a presentation.

 * *Participants:* Any student pursuing their first (bachelor's)
   university degree, who is working on research that addresses some
   aspect of the clean water crisis. If you want to participate, please
   see the bottom of the email for more information on submitting

 * *Audience:*Anyone interested in the clean water crisis. Attendance
   at the UN will not be necessary - an online web conference of the
   event will be available, and there will be methods for people to
   submit questions online.

 * *Impact:*This conference contains 4 major goals:
         1) To provide a platform for youth to express their
   perspective and voice.
         2) To create networking opportunities by connecting youth with
   universities, the industrial sector, and the United Nations.
         3) To propose implementable, STEM-based solutions for the 2030
   SDGs, as well as affect SDG-related socioeonomic change for both the
   creators of these solutions and those who these solutions aim to help.
         4) To provide a space for young women to gain confidence in
   their professional abilities.

*Proposals*of up to 1,500 words should describe the/objective/, or which specific aspect of the clean water crisis your work addresses, the/approach/ to the development of your work, and the/implementation/ of your proposed solution. For example, if you are submitting a proposal for a filter you developed in your research, you should discuss how the filter works, the materials and cost to make the filter, and how you see your filter being implemented in communities in need. If you are submitting a proposal for a computer program, you should discuss the algorithms you used and the way you see your code impacting relevant communities or facilities. Any schematics, program files, or pictures which will help the judges understand your work can be additionally uploaded on the submission form. *Entrants can submit proposals individually or in teams of up to three people before 16 March 2018. *The submission form can be found at https://lehigh.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3CqIsLZHSm5dsZT <https://lehigh.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3CqIsLZHSm5dsZT>.

For more information on the  “Students Seeking Solutions” Sustainable Development Goal #6 Conference, please visit https://global.lehigh.edu/un/atlehigh/sdg6 <https://global.lehigh.edu/un/atlehigh/sdg6>.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the conference organizer, American Association of University Women United Nations Youth Representative Veronica McKinny atvdm...@lehigh.edu <mailto:vdm...@lehigh.edu>.

We look forward to receiving your proposals.

Veronica McKinny

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