I am looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher to work on hybrid poplar 
productivity in the boreal forest. The post-doc will design and lead a research 
study aiming to develop growth and yield models for hybrid poplars under boreal 
conditions of north-western Quebec. The candidate will also assist in grad 
student supervision and lab management. The position is funded by NSERC and is 
over a 2 year period.
Candidates should have good forestry field experience and statistical and 
writing abilities.
Please send C.V. and motivation letter to:

Annie DesRochers, PhD
Institut de Recherche sur les Forêts
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
341 Principale Nord
Amos, Qc, Canada, J9T2L8
Tel:1-819-732-8809<tel:1-819-732-8809> ext 8327
Fax: 1-819-797-4727
Email: annie.desroch...@uqat.ca<mailto:annie.desroch...@uqat.ca>

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