The Conservation Solutions Lab at the University of Northern British Columbia 
seeks a postdoctoral fellow for a NASA funded project mapping change in Human 
Footprint and Forest Integrity over time, and linking this change to 
biodiversity trends.

The project team involves investigators from University of Northern British 
Columbia (Oscar Venter), Wildlife Conservation Society (James Watson), Montana 
State University (Andrew Hansen), Arizona State University (Scott Goetz and 
Patrick Jantz, NASA (Cindy Schmidt) and the United Nations Development Program 
(Jamison Ervin). The results of this project will inform progress toward the 
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in three partner countries (Columbia, 
Peru, Ecuador).

The postdoc will join the Conservation Solutions Lab for three years, 
contributing to the project by updating and downscaling the global human 
footprint map 
 with the latest and regional datasets, as well as investigating empirical 
links between biodiversity trends and measures of the Human Footprint and 
forest integrity. Lots of opportunities will be available for additional 
projects on related topics, as well as supervising graduate students with 
overlapping interests.

Ideal candidates will have a passion for biodiversity conservation and a desire 
to contribute to real world conservation outcomes, as well as enjoy working as 
part of a team in a collaborative setting. In addition to a background in the 
ecological sciences, the successful candidate will have some combination of 
skills in: computer science, programming, statistics and R, working with big 
data, high level GIS.

Position details: Salary is $55K CND/year, term is 3 years, based in Prince 
George BC, Canada.

To apply, email a cover letter, CV, and contact details for three references in 
a single pdf file to Dr. Oscar Venter at oscar.venter@ unbc. ca. For questions, 
contact  Dr Venter.

Review of applications will begin Dec 1st 2018, and will continue until the 
position is filled.

Keen applicants will first review our recent work here:

And can check out our current people here:

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