Dear Colleagues: Please consider submitting your AGU abstract to the
following permafrost/carbon Biogeoscience session:

B069. Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change
Permafrost zone soils contain 1670 Pg of carbon (C). Permafrost degradation
can change ecosystem C storage by enhancing microbial activity and ecosystem
respiration, but can also stimulate plant growth and increase C stored in
vegetation and surface soil. This session invites papers that examine
factors causing losses and gains in ecosystem C storage that relate to the
question: What is the magnitude, timing and form of C release from
permafrost zone ecosystems to the atmosphere in a changing climate? Papers
may address any aspect of this topic from microbial communities to the
global scale, using a range of measurements or modeling to detect and
forecast permafrost thaw and the influence on the C cycle and future climate.

Ted Schuur, University of Florida

A. David McGuire, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Co-Sponsors: Cryosphere, Global Environmental Change

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