We are currently seeking new Steering Committee members to help guide
initiatives in Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (NW
PARC for short).

*Why become involved?*

   - Volunteering on NW PARC’s Steering Committee offers a unique
   opportunity to build social networks and interact with a variety of
   professionals involved in amphibian and reptile conservation across the
   Pacific Northwest!
   - Becoming involved can also provide valuable volunteer experience that
   may improve employment opportunities or simply provide you a sense of
   satisfaction in knowing you are contributing to the conservation of
   amphibians and reptiles, and their habitats.

Whatever your motivation for becoming involved we welcome your interest!

*What is the time commitment?*

We aim to keep Steering Committee responsibilities within reasonable
expectations. We are currently looking to fill the following Steering
Committee positions: Co-Chair, Treasurer, Website Liaison, and PARCA
Coordinator. Positions will be filled on a first-come basis; however more
than one person can participate in each role and work as a team.

Positions are generally two-year terms and Steering Committee members are
asked to attend a minimum of three short conference calls per year. If
possible, we also encourage Steering Committee members to attend our annual
meetings which are usually delivered jointly with local scientific
societies within the Pacific Northwest.


Please let us know of your interest in any of the Steering Committee
positions below by sending an email to Betsy Howell, blhow...@fs.fed.us by
July 22nd 2016. Please describe which position you are interested in and
what you would hope to bring to the position.

For more information about NW PARC visit: www.nwparc.org

*Available Positions!*

*Co-Chair*: Coordinates annual regional meeting; attends monthly National
PARC Joint National Steering Committee (JNSC) calls, organizes quarterly NW
PARC Steering Committee calls; attends annual in-person JNSC meeting.

*Treasurer*: Provides general financial oversight of NW PARC including
keeping track of expenses, fundraising and revenue; reports to Steering
Committee quarterly.

*Website Liaison*: Assists Webmaster with the management of the content on
NW PARC website, including providing updates and ensuring content is
accurate and current.

*PARCA Coordinator*: Identifies avenues to promote the PARCA (Priority
Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Areas) initiative in the NW PARC region;
nominates sites for PARCA status in Pacific NW and liaises with National
PARC PARCA coordinator.

*Questions? *

Please contact Betsy Howell, blhow...@fs.fed.us


Jen Williams, Ph.D.

Federal Coordinator for Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
1201 Oakridge Dr., Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 352-568-5903 (cell) or 970-267-2159
Fax: 970-225-3585

*Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.*

The mission of PARC is to conserve amphibians, reptiles and their habitats
as integral parts of our ecosystem and culture through proactive and
coordinated public-private partnerships.  To learn more, visit parcplace.org

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