Dear all,

We would like to inform you about  internship, study abroad and research 
opportunities we are offering in Archipelagos Institute of Marine 
Conservation  in the Aegean Sea islands. 

Please see the information below and feel free to ask us for any further 
information you may need. 

Marine Mammal Internships & Research Opportunities in the Aegean Sea

We are excited to announce internship opportunities in marine mammal 
research. Students, recent graduates and scientists can join 
Archipelagos' research and conservation efforts in Eastern Aegean.

Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation is a Greek non-profit, 
non-governmental organization committed to researching and defending the 
rich biodiversity of the Greek seas and islands, as well as of the NE 
Mediterranean region overall. This region of rare biodiversity is in 
desperate need of protection as is being increasing threatened by 
harmful anthropogenic activities!

The Eastern Aegean region is home many rare and endangered species, 
including some of the most important remaining populations in the 
Mediterranean of several marine mammals.Research surveys can focus on: 
- Dolphin populations, including: D. delphis (common dolphin), T. 
truncatus (bottlenose dolphin), S.coeruleoalba (striped dolphin) and G. 
griseus (Risso’s dolphin); 
- Whale populations, including: P. macrocephalus (sperm whale), Ziphius 
cavirostris (Cuvier’s beaked whale) and occasional visitors B. physalus 
(fin whale); 
- The Mediterranean monk seal (M. monachus), an important and critically 
endangered marine mammal specie found in the region.


• Efficient conservation of the marine mammal populations from 
anthropogenic threats 
• Monitoring of habitat use, abundance and distribution 
• Study of population structure and dynamics 
• Study of behavioural ecology & communication 
• Study of factors of impact (with a focus on interactions with 


• Boat-based surveys (weather dependent) 
• Photo-identification and matching techniques 
• Collecting environmental and anthropogenic data 
• Gathering acoustic data 
• Data entry and analysis 
• Raising awareness 
• Utilizing ArcGIS to map populations 
• Questionaire-based surveys 
• First aid of stranded animals (e.g., cetaceans, seals and sea turtles)
Other internship/ research topics: 

- Marine/ Fisheries Research & Management 
- Research & Conservation of Island Flora and Fauna 
- GIS Mapping of Biodiversity 
- Laboratory Assessment of Environmental Impacts 
- Illustration, Graphic & Animation Design 
- Environmental Photography & Film Production 
- Environmental Education, 

Placement details:
Duration: 3-12 months (shorter duration is consider on a case-by-case 
Location: Archipelagos’ research bases and stations in the eastern 
Aegean Sea (Samos, Lipsi, Ikaria, Arki, Marathi islands). Placements may 
also include working on board one of the two small research boats. 
Costs: Placement fee of 650euros/month 
Covers: accommodation, full board and all placement costs. 
(frequently placement fee and travel etc expenses are covered by grants 
such as Erasmus+, or other equivalent)

Extras: Participants have the option to obtain (at no further cost): 
a) Sailing certificate 
b) PADI Open Water scuba diving certification – seasonally available, 
excluding PADI fees 
c) Greek language lessons

Please pass this along to faculty members and students who may be 
interested in this opportunity.

For further information you can contact

We hope to see you in the Aegean islands!

Thank you for your time, 

Best regards,
Niki Karagouni
Niki Karagouni
MSc Environmental Scientist,
Research Assistant and Marine Mammal Team Coordinator
Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation
Marine Research Base: P.O. Box 42, Pythagorio, Samos 83103;

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