Title: Coastal Furbearer Technician

Location: Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina

Job Description: A technician position is available for a Clemson 
University graduate project monitoring mink in Cape Romain National 
Wildlife Refuge, just north of Charleston, SC. The project will begin mid-
March. Mink will be captured, transported to a vet, and implanted with a 
radiotransmitter.  From April through August, mink will be monitored to 
determine activity pattern. The applicant will drive the boat as well as 
help with trapping, telemetry, PIT tagging kits in late May, and locating 
dens. The applicant must be motivated, good-humored, and willing to work 
rotating night and day hours as well as weekends. Time off will be 

-       high school diploma
-       valid drivers license
-       motorized watercraft handling skills
-       experience in coastal marsh systems preferred
-       able to lift at least 50 lbs 

To Apply: Submit a cover letter, resume, one letter of recommendation, and 
contact information for two additional references to:  cego...@clemson.edu

Salary: $10/h, Housing provided

Position extends: March 15, 2011 – August 10, 2011

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