Registration is now open for the Employment Acquisition Skills Boot Camp
for Scientists, a new professional development program by the American
Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS).

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate programs
in the United States do an excellent job of preparing students for careers
in academia. As students and a growing number of reports note, however,
many STEM graduate students are interested in employment in a variety of
sectors by the time they complete their degree. Students continue to report
that they feel ill-prepared and ill-equipped to pursue employment in these

In response to this frustration heard from many graduate students, AIBS has
developed a program to help scientists hone and practice the skills needed
to secure employment. AIBS’s Employment Acquisition Skills Boot Camp for
Scientists is an intensive, two-day program that is a blend of lecture and
hands-on exercises. Designed by scientists and a career coach, this program
provides graduate students to senior scientists with the information,
tools, and resources required to successfully identify and secure
employment in a diversity of career pathways, including science policy,
communications, program management, government, non-governmental
organizations, international development, and others.

Course participants will:

   - Identify career interests and opportunities;
   - Learn to communicate their knowledge and skills to employers;
   - Develop strategies for finding employment;
   - Develop application materials;
   - Prepare for and practice different interview styles and scenarios;
   - Talk to scientists working in diverse employment settings and
   individuals responsible for making hiring decisions.

Current graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and scientists interested
in transitioning to a new employment sector should consider signing up.

The program will be held in Washington, DC on December 17-18, 2018.  The
deadline to register is November 13, 2018.

For more information and to register, visit
Jyotsna Pandey, Ph.D.
Public Policy Manager
American Institute of Biological Sciences
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-628-1500 x 225
Follow us on Twitter! @AIBS_Policy

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