From: Clayton K Nielsen
Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:57 PM
To: Eric M Schauber
Subject: Please post to ECOLOG/TWS/MAMMAL listservs

Lagomorph Researchers:

I am planning to submit a proposal for a symposium on lagomorph conservation to 
be held at the Vth International Wildlife Congress in Sapporo, Japan, next 
July.  I am in the early stages of proposal development and am looking for 
potential speakers.  Would any of you or colleagues be interested in giving a 
presentation should the proposal get accepted?  I have no financial support to 
offer presenters, so individuals will be responsible for their own travel 
expenses.  If you may be interested, please email me at kez...@siu.edu no later 
than 19 December 2014.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for your consideration.

Clay Nielsen

Clayton K. Nielsen, PhD, Certified Wildlife Biologist
Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Assistant Chair and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Forestry
Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory
Center for Ecology
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-6504
kez...@siu.edu; 618-453-6930

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