*Internship Opportunity*

University of Puerto Rico- Río Piedras

Tropical Forest Research Experience for College Graduates

Complete applications must be submitted by July 21, 2018

*RESEARCH DESCRIPTION: *The University of Puerto Rico will carry out Post
hurricane field work in El Verde Field Station in the El Yunque National
Forest in Puerto Rico. Interns will work on a variety of projects,
including canopy and plot photos, soil moisture, vegetation surveys, litter
processing, plot set up, animal surveys (frogs and lizards) and a variety
of other field work. Following training and orientation, the volunteers
will work in the forest in teams or individually, spending long hours in
the field, sometime at night (generally Monday-Friday), often in wet and
muddy conditions and on challenging topography. While in Puerto Rico
volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about diverse aspects of
tropical ecology from scientists involved in the Luquillo Long-Term
Ecological Research Program.

*PERIOD: *September 5- through December 22, 2018

*STIPEND: *$600 per month to cover food and general living expenses.

*ACCOMMODATION: *Free accommodation at El Verde Field Station in Puerto
Rico. Housing is communal using shared resources. The field station is
relatively isolated and transportation is available on a limited basis.

*TRAVEL: *Refund of up to $750 towards a round-trip plane ticket from
mainland USA, if not already living in Puerto Rico.

*NOTE: *We are unable to provide any medical insurance.

*REQUIREMENTS: *College graduates with background in biology, ecology,
environmental science, or related field, preferably with field-work
experience, knowledge of plant identification, and excellent organizational
skills. Tropical experience useful, but is not required. We are currently
only considering US citizens and permanent US residents for these

*APPLICATION PROCEDURE: *Interested applicants must fill out the online
Application Form (see
For project selection choose: “Post Hurricane Field Work”. The following
additional materials must also be submitted via email to the LFDP Research
Manager, Jamarys Torres-Díaz, at l...@ites.upr.edu by July 21:

1) A letter of interest indicating why you wish to work in a tropical
forest and describing your relevant experience. Include a statement that
you understand your application is for a volunteer position

2) Full resume

3) University transcripts (scanned unofficial transcripts are fine)

All email attachments must include the name of the applicant as part of the
file name. Please include “Post Hurricane Field Work” as part of your
subject line, as we may be hiring for multiple positions. Please email
further inquiries to *l...@ites.upr.edu*. Following phone interviews, we
will inform successful applicants in August, 2018. For more information,
please see http://luq.lter.network/

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