A postdoctoral researcher position for a highly motivated young scientist
is available in the group of Rodrigo Almeida in the Department of
Environmental Science, Policy and Management, at the University of
California, Berkeley, to study the dynamics of plant pathogen epidemics,
host adaptation, and specialization. The position is funded by a Horizon
2020 collaborative project dedicated to the emerging plant pathogen Xylella
fastidiosa. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
identification of genes underpinning pathogen host adaptation and
specialization, exploration of pathogen genetic diversity and selection
forces leading to disease emergence. Within the broad scope of the project,
developing novel research questions will be encouraged.


Applicants must have a Ph.D. in an area related to microbial genomics,
evolution, or population genetics; computational, programming, and
quantitative skills are required. The successful candidate will be
independent and have good writing skills, yet be able to work in an
interdisciplinary environment where collaboration and synergistic
interactions are expected.


Researcher will be responsible for experimental design, data analyses,
preparation of research manuscripts and project reports. Post-doctoral
researchers in our group are also expected to help mentor and work with
students and peers when necessary.


One year renewable to two years based on satisfactory performance. Salary
commensurate to experience; starting annual salary for UC Berkeley
postdoctoral researchers immediately after obtaining a PhD is US$48,216 'V
salary scale follows NIH/NRSA stipend. Start date is negotiable, but strong
preference will be given to candidates that can start by early Summer 2018.


Prepare a single PDF with i) a 2-page CV that lists publications and
computational skills, ii) a research statement (up to 2 pages), and iii)
three references who could be contacted. Position will remain open until
filled; applications will be reviewed immediately upon receipt. We hope to
close the position by March 31st, 2018. Send PDF directly to Rodrigo
Almeida: email- *rodrigoalme...@berkeley.edu*

Rodrigo Almeida <rodrigoalme...@berkeley.edu>

Adam Zeilinger

Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
University of California Berkeley

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