Graduate Student Research Opportunity in Plant Ecology/Global Change
The Schwinning Lab is recruiting a graduate student (M.S.) to start in
January 2018. The position is in partly funded through a grant from the
National Science Foundation and partly through a teaching assistantship in
the Biology Department at Texas State University, San Marcos.

The study is located in the pinyon-juniper woodlands of New Mexico and
conducted in collaboration with Dr. Marcy Litvak and Dr. Will Pockman
(University of New Mexico). The overall goal is to examine consequences of
selective tree mortality on ecosystem processes and vegetation change. The
student-led study will focus on the recruitment dynamics of pinyon pine and
juniper on experimental plots where juniper or pinyon pine trees were killed
by girdling. The student's responsibility will be to conduct tree
recruitment experiments and map natural recruitment at sites where natural,
drought-related mortality has occurred. The student will complete an M.S.
degree in Population and Conservation Biology in the Biology Department at
Texas State University, San Marcos.

Minority students are especially encouraged to apply. The successful
candidate must have a strong background in any field of plant science and
the willingness and ability to do field work under challenging physical
conditions. If you are interested and want to learn more, contact Dr. Susan
Schwinning at To apply for the position, send (1) a
cover letter expressing your research interests, relevant experience and
present career goals; (2) a resume or CV; and (3) unofficial transcripts to
Dr. Schwinning. Applications to The Graduate College for the Spring Semester
of 2018 are due in early December.

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