Lake Metabolism MSc or PhD student opportunities


The Associate Director of the Institute of Environmental Change and Society
(IECS) at the University of Regina, Canada is inviting applications for two
fully-funded MSc or PhD projects to study seasonal patterns of lake
metabolism in Canadian hardwater lakes. Lakes across the northern Great
Plains are unique in their unparalleled biological, chemical, physical and
climate diversity, and represent ideal model systems to study the impacts of
land-use and climate change on lake metabolism. Combining standard
limnological techniques and stable isotope analyses, our
Long-term-Ecological-Research program (since 2002) has been evaluating
food-web structure, controls of gamefish populations, carbon dynamics and
hydrology of 21 prairie lakes in southern Saskatchewan. 


The long-term goal of this research program is to develop a mechanistic
framework for food-web-controls and biogeochemical cycling in hardwater
lakes. Specifically, the objectives are to characterize the impacts of
winter dynamics on summer food-web structure and carbon/nitrogen dynamics,
and predict individual and interactive effects of climate change on summer
vs. winter conditions. Ultimately, my group will synthesize similarities and
differences between boreal and hardwater lakes to assist global estimates
for climate change impacts on inland lakes. 


Specifically, the student projects will characterize oxygen and carbon
dynamics in hardwater lakes during the fall-winter-spring transition and
quantify the relative importance of metabolic, hydrologic, physical and
chemical processes to carbon pools and fluxes. In addition, we will assess
summer vs. winter zooplankton biomass, composition and food sources to
evaluate the importance of grazing during the spring peak in algal biomass
for carbon routing in hardwater lakes.


The preferable start date is May 2018, but no later than September 2018. In
addition to laboratory analyses, these projects have large field components,
including under-ice winter sampling. Previous experience with lake surveys,
stable isotope techniques and strong quantitative skills are critical
assets. Please send your cover letter, CV and names of two references to <>  by March 23rd



For further information regarding these opportunities, please contact Dr.
Bjoern Wissel ( <> ).




Björn Wissel, PhD

Associate Director, Institute of Environmental Change and Society

Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology

525 Research and Innovation Centre

University of Regina

Regina, SK S4S 0A2 Canada

phone    306 585-4890

fax      306 337-2410

e-mail <> <>
<> &hl=en




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