Thanks to the dozens of Eastern forest ecologists who have been keeping
their eyes on the mayapples in response to our request.  We now have enough
seeds for our immediate needs (and we have run down our seed budget), so
please don’t send them.

From a biological perspective, we are still interested in your thoughts and
observations - the input from across the region has been valuable. 
Apparently this has been a lousy year for mayapples in SE Ohio, but a
respectable year in Connecticut and a really brilliant year in Indiana and
southern Michigan.  On the other hand fruit production has not been great in
North Carolina.  Five data points cannot support any sort of concrete
conclusion, but it is clear that fruit set varies considerably from place to
place.  Hmm.  Thoughts from the community?


Glenn Matlack
Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter Hall, Ohio University
Athens, Ohio

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