New articles for Population Ecology (February 2008)

Four new articles of Population Ecology have been published at 'Online
First' last month.

(1) Pernilla Christensen, Frauke Ecke, Per Sandström, Mats Nilsson and
Birger Hörnfeldt
Can landscape properties predict occurrence of grey-sided voles?

(2) Bonnie J. Ripley and Hal Caswell
Contributions of growth, stasis, and reproduction to fitness in brooding
and broadcast spawning marine bivalves

(3) Takashi Saitoh, Jon Olav Vik, Nils Chr. Stenseth, Toshikazu
Takanishi, Shintaro Hayakashi, Nobuo Ishida, Masaaki Ohmori, Toshio
Morita, Shigeru Uemura, Masahiko Kadomatsu, Jun Osawa and Koji Maekawa
Effects of acorn abundance on density dependence in a Japanese wood
mouse (Apodemus speciosus) population

(4) Chris J. Johnson and Dale R. Seip
Relationship between resource selection, distribution, and abundance: a
test with implications to theory and conservation

The abstracts of these articles are available for everyone free of
charge at Online First. The full texts are available for the members of
the Society of Population Ecology and institutions registered with

* Population Ecology at Online First:

Population Ecology is an English scientific journal published by the
Society of Population Ecology four times a year. It enjoys a high
international reputation and has a long history of over 40 years. All
manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by two referees, and the final
editorial decision is made by the Chief Editor based on the referees'
evaluations. The articles are abstracted/indexed in BIOSIS, Current
Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Environmental
Periodicals Bibliography (EPB).

Population Ecology welcomes submissions of papers by non-members. To
submit your manuscript to Population Ecology, go to

We look forward to your subscription and submission.

Editorial Office
Population Ecology

Chief Editor  Takashi Saitoh
Field Science Center
Hokkaido University, Japan

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