Dr. Rissman at University of Wisconsin-Madison is seeking applications for a 
PhD student to examine the social and ecological outcomes of private land 
Rissman's interdisciplinary research investigates the relationships between 
society and the environment in ecosystem management, conservation, and 
sustainable use. Her research group examines natural resource policy design, 
implementation, and evaluation; 2) ecological outcomes of resource policy and 
conservation strategies; and 3) social and legal adaptation to environmental 
change. Mixed quantitative and qualitative methods include spatial analysis, 
surveys, and interviews.
Private land conservation: social and ecological outcomes
The public has invested heavily in private land conservation, including 
conservation easements, in the US and internationally, but their land use 
outcomes have not been well examined. This project will design and implement a 
longitudinal study of private land conservation to examine policy terms, social 
relations, and their impact on land use outcomes. The PhD student will work in 
collaboration with colleagues in economics and remote sensing, and 
conservationists in government and nonprofit land trusts. This project has the 
potential to make important contributions to conservation policy and the social 
dimensions of conservation. Geographic regions will include Wisconsin and other 
locations to be determined.
University, Department, Lab:
The University of Wisconsin -Madison is one of the major research universities 
in the United States (www.wisc.edu<http://www.wisc.edu>). It ranks 2nd in 
research expenditures among all U.S. universities and first among public 
universities. Total student enrollment is 41,500, out of which 8,800 are 
graduate students. Employees include 2,000 faculty. UW-Madison has a long 
history of excellence in ecology, conservation biology, and remote sensing 
science. This project will be housed with the Rissman group 
(http://labs.russell.wisc.edu/rissman/) in the Department of Forest & Wildlife 
Ecology (http://www.fwe.wisc.edu). Students would also have the option to 
engage with the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.
Madison, WI:
Madison, Wisconsin consistently ranks as one of the best places in the United 
States to live, work, and study. It is Wisconsin's capital city, with a 
friendly, vibrant population of approximately 200,000 who enjoy Madison's 
lakes, bike paths, music, art, and food. For more information on campus and 
town see http://www.wisc.edu/about/facts/
A BS degree in environmental studies, science studies, geography, political 
science, sociology, public policy and administration, natural resources, 
forestry, wildlife ecology, or other related disciplines is required. 
Experience with social science research and/or policy is preferred. Work 
experience in conservation agencies or nonprofit organizations also desired. 
Good English writing and verbal communication skills, as well as the ability to 
work in a team, are essential.
Application Process:
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and review will continue until 
candidates are chosen. Applications will be received before February 10, 2017 
are guaranteed consideration. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an equal 
opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through 
diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply. The position to 
open to both US citizen and international candidates. If you have questions 
before applying, please email Adena Rissman 
Interested applicants are asked to e-mail the documents listed below to Adena 
Rissman (adena.riss...@wisc.edu<mailto:adena.riss...@wisc.edu>) (in ONE PDF 
file please).
- Our departmental graduate application cover sheet (http://go.wisc.edu/63u6lc)
- Letter outlining research interests, academic and professional backgrounds
- Resume or CV
- Copies of transcripts (unofficial copies acceptable at this point)
- GRE scores if available
- Reprints of publications if available
- Names and contact addresses of three references

Dr. Adena Rissman
Associate Professor
Forest and Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Check out my recent work: Where are ecology and biodiversity in 
social-ecological systems research? A review of research methods and applied 
recommendations<http://labs.russell.wisc.edu/rissman/publications/> in 
Conservation Letters

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